Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March 11, 2008

Now, Now Every Children are currently recording their second EP and have made another ridiculous video update. This one is heavy on the Hannah Montana, so you know it's good.

Crescent Moon Is In Big Trouble received write-ups from the Star Tribune, City Pages, the Onion, and the Daily Iowan this week, check out the Press page for links to each article.

All of the details with Haley Bonar's new record, "Big Star," are getting ironed out and we'll have those to you asap. It looks like the release will be the end of May - so stay tuned.

Poison Control Center just added 20 tour dates to their Spring as they head out on tour with Heavenly States and Head of Femur. Check out the shows page for details.

One for the Team is heading into the studio for the next two weeks to record our second record. More to come on that.

Last, but certainly not least, it's Alyssa's birthday!! If you want to send her birthday wishes (which you should), email them to info@afternoonrecords.com.


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